Asia Microbiota Bank Network
The Asia Microbiota Bank has developed one of the most stringent protocols for donor recruitment, donor evaluation, donor screening and sample processing in the world. Our quality controls have been built upon the foundation of the leading stool banks in the United States, Netherlands and Israel.
It is the goal of the Asia Microbiota Bank to rapidly open banks in each Asia country region. We believe that with consistently produced, safely processed, and high-quality controlled microbiota implants, the treatment outcome for patients receiving HMT will be more consistent. Setting the standard for Asia will allow HMT research findings to be somewhat predictable. This in turn will aid any government regulating authority to understand the true impact of HMT on numerous disease indications.
It is for this purpose that the Asia Microbiota Bank is eager to work with external institutes or partners who are interested to bring a microbiota bank to their country or city. The more safely processed implants available, the faster the microbiome industry can grow and learn. This will in turn, lead to greater demand for microbiota implants as primary treatment options for indications outside of Clostridium difficile infection, once properly proven through clinical trial outcome consistencies.
To learn more about how to partner with us to join the Asia Microbiota Network, bringing the latest technologies to your country, please email