新聞稿 – March 8, 2017
Asia Microbiota Bank Donor Recruitment Campaign Grows to Record Numbers in Hong Kong
The Asia Microbiota Bank (AMB), headquartered in Hong Kong, is collecting healthy human microbiota samples from the city’s top 1% healthiest individuals. In just one month, the AMB has received almost 10,000 applications, proving that Hong Kong is an ideal city for social engagement around public health.
“The Asia Microbiota Bank fills an important need in Asia. AMB is the first public microbiota bank in the region, with goals to open three more locations in other Asian country markets in 2017. The AMB has an international and local board of scientific and medical advisors, who work closely with public stool microbiota banks in other countries.” – Mr. J Chang, Co-founder, Asia Microbiota Bank
A stool bank uniquely focuses on the bacteria from a healthy human donor. Technology has advanced to allow a scientific process of purifying the stool sample to remove the waste and preserve the microbiota (bacteria). This microbiota preparation can be used by medical doctors as a therapy for sick patients in some cases.
“We work closely with doctors and hospitals to supply these microbiota materials for limited use in patient treatment. The treatment process is known as Fecal Microbiota Transfer (FMT). Public stool banks in the USA have supplied fecal microbiota implants to medical clinicians in the treatment of more than 20,000 patients to date. FMT therapy has even been approved by the United States FDA for treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. – Dr. Shen, AMB Laboratory Manager.
FMT therapy has been used in many countries around the world including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Australia, to name a few. Now, it is possible for extremely healthy people to benefit others by donating their healthy stool microbiota in Hong Kong.
AMB has implemented one of the strictest donor screening protocols in the world. Once a stool donor qualifies, they are compensated $200 HKD for each donation they contribute to the bank. The Asia Microbiota Bank is continuing to recruit stool donors. Anyone who is very healthy, we encourage to apply by visiting www.asiabiobank.com and filling out the application and health survey.
Press is invited to a joint conference call with the co-founder, Mr. J Chang, on Thursday March 9. For inquiries and to join please email media@asiabiobank.com, or send a WhatsApp to +852-3705-3599
聯繫人:Michelle Daniels FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
電話:+ 852-3705-3599
「亞洲益菌中心滿足了亞洲的重要需求。 亞益中心是最早在亞洲設立的糞菌銀行之一,將來會在亞洲另外三個地區也設立糞菌銀行。亞益中心擁有一個國際及地方科學和醫療顧問委員會,與其他國家的糞菌銀行密切合作。」-亞洲益菌中心聯合創始人J Chang先生
糞菌銀行的獨特性在於它收集並提供健康的人類腸道菌群。 運用先進的科技去除糞便中的廢物而有益的菌群得以保留,本菌群可以被醫生由於治療某些疾病患者。
「我們與本港醫生和醫院緊密合作,純化的菌群會用於醫治特定的病人。這種治療名為“腸道菌群移植”(FMT)。在美國的糞菌銀行已經向醫院提供的糞菌產品治療了兩萬多患者。FMT療法用於治療難辨梭菌感染已經獲得美國FDA認可。」 -亞洲益菌中心實驗室主管沈博士
亞洲益菌中心已經採用世界上最嚴格之一的捐贈者篩選方案。捐贈者一旦符合資格,他們為糞菌銀行的每次捐贈將獲得200港元的津貼。亞洲益菌中心正繼續招募糞便捐贈者。 如果你是非常健康的人,請即登上www.asiabiobank.com填寫表格申請參加。
誠意邀請新聞界與聯合創始人J Chang在3月9日(星期四)進行聯合電話會議。
如需查詢加入,請發送電子郵件至media@asiabiobank.com,,或傳送WhatsApp到 +852-3705-3599