Press Release – April 26, 2017
The Asia Microbiota Bank Launches New Website
The Asia Microbiota Bank (AMB), headquartered in Hong Kong, has just launched a new English version website to better interface with doctors, patients and donors who are participating in their programs. A Chinese version will soon follow in May. The web address is
“The Asia Microbiota Bank provides an important solution for doctors with patients who suffer from digestive diseases. It is very exciting to think that these microbiota implants could provide a non-toxic treatment to treat C. difficile infection or alleviate the symptoms of IBD or IBS conditions.” – Mr. Jon Chang, Co-founder, Asia Microbiota Bank
The first products will be released for patient treatment starting May, 2017. AMB is working closely with doctors and patients regarding this new therapy being offered in Hong Kong. Many patients with IBS and IBD conditions have reached out to the Asia Microbiota Bank for recommendations of doctors who offer treatment of Human Microbiota Transfer (HMT) using AMB products. AMB has a growing list of GI clinics and hospitals who we can refer patients for a consultation to learn if HMT is right for them.
“The microbiota implants are carefully processed and stored to ensure the safest possible quality to doctors.” – Dr. Shen, AMB Laboratory Manager.
HMT (aka FMT) therapy has been used in many countries around the world including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Australia, to name a few. Now, it is possible for extremely healthy people to benefit patients who suffer from severe GI conditions by applying to become a donor to the Asia Microbiota Bank.
AMB has implemented one of the strictest donor screening protocols in the world. Once a stool donor qualifies, they are compensated $200 HKD for each donation they contribute to the bank. The Asia Microbiota Bank is continuing to recruit stool donors. Anyone who is very healthy, we encourage to apply by visiting and filling out the application and health survey.
For media inquiries please email, or call + 852-3705-3599
“亞洲益菌中心為診治消化系統疾病患者的醫生提供了重要的解決方案。 植入這些益菌可以提供一種無毒治療來醫治艱難梭菌的感染或減輕炎症性腸病(IBD)或腸易激綜合症(IBS)病症的徵狀,這是一件非常令人振奮的事情。“ – 亞洲益菌中心聯合創始人Jon Chang
首批產品將於2017年5月 起開始為患者進行治療。AMB在香港提供這種新療法,並與醫生和病患者緊密合作。 許多患有IBS和IBD病症的患者提出,由亞洲益菌中心建議的醫生使用AMB的產品進行人類微生物轉移(HMT)治療。 AMB有不斷增加的腸胃科診所和醫院名單,我們可以根據患者的諮詢來瞭解HMT是否適合他們。
“腸道菌群是經過嚴謹的處理和儲存,以確保醫生能夠得到最安全的產品。” – AMB實驗室主管沈博士。
HMT(又稱FMT)療法已在全球許多國家使用,包括美國,英國,荷蘭和澳洲等地。 現在,非常健康的人可以通過申請成為亞洲益菌中心的捐贈者來幫助患有嚴重腸道疾病的患者。
AMB實施了全球上最嚴格之一的捐助者篩選協定。 一旦糞便捐贈者符合資格,他們每捐贈一次,就可獲得200港元的獎金。 亞洲微生物銀行正在繼續招募糞便捐助者。我們鼓勵任何健康的人瀏灠www.asiabiobank.com填寫表格申請及進行健康調查。
有關媒體的查詢,請發送電子郵件至,+ 852-3705-3599