Quality and Safety Protocols

Microbiota Implant Delivery

灌腸植入對於患有合併感染的病患者,效果比較顯著。 HMT菌群製劑會放入標准灌腸袋中作準備,並在放入灌腸袋之後15-30分鐘內施用,並留於身體1小時。灌腸可能需要配合多種治療,特別是在直腸括約肌功能較差的患者,例如長者。灌腸時患者有機會需要從左側躺臥(LLD)轉到仰臥,再轉到右側躺臥(RLD)。

Regulatory information
Regulatory information published in Update on Fecal Microbiota Transplantation 2015 published in Gastroenterology (Gastroenterology. 2015;149(1):223-237.)
Gastroenterology在2015年發布了更新糞便微生物移植的規管信息。(Gastroenterology, 2015; 149(1):223-237)
Worldwide, regulation of FMT varies greatly between countries. The Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia, where FMT is not considered a drug or regulated for any indication, has provided no communications regarding FMT. Although several trials of FMT are ongoing in China, there has been no indication that the Ministry of Health intends to exercise authority over the procedure. In Europe, the European Medicines Agency has not regulated FMT for CDI thus far.[111] However, Health Canada considers FMT and related synthetic stool therapies as a “New Biologic Drug” and requires that any clinical study go through the process of a clinical trial application to ensure that quality and safety standards are met.[112] The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that administered stool constitutes a biological product and a drug in that it is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or is intended to affect the structure or function of the body.[113] Although fundamentally different from existing drugs and biologics, the agency has maintained that, at this point, the process of donor eligibility determination and screening, stool processing, and infusion defines the FMT “product” and falls under FDA jurisdiction. As such, without large randomized controlled studies to support safety and efficacy, it is an unapproved product and an investigational new drug application (IND) is required to administer FMT.
在全球,各國對FMT的管制各有不同。澳洲的衛生及治療用品監督管理局未考慮把FMT列入為藥物或對FMT 制定使用守則,亦未提供有關FMT的監管資訊。在中國,還在對FMT進行測試,而中華人民共和國衛生部沒有表示要把FMT行使監管。歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)到目前為止還沒有將FMT用於艱難梭菌感染(CDI) [111] 。然而,加拿大衛生部斷定FMT和相關的糞便製劑療法是一種「新生物藥物」,並要求任何臨床研究都取得臨床試驗証明書,以確保FTM符合品質和安全標準。美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)已確定,施用糞便製劑等同於施用生物產品和藥物,具有醫學診斷、治療疾病、舒緩病症、疾病療法或預防疾病,或調適身體結構或功能的特性 [113] 。現有的藥物和生物製劑是完全不同的,但該機構要保持,合理判定和篩檢合資格的捐贈者,大便處理和輸注FMT“產品液”的過程是FDA管轄的。而且製劑必須要有大規模的隨機對照研究來証明FMT的安全性和有效性,否則視作非允許藥劑製品;並且必須需要獲得新藥劑製品(IND)註冊証明書才可施予FMT。

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